Sample Gallery - Cocktail Picks

Here you'll find examples of some fun cocktail picks to get you inspired to make your own!

Cocktail Picks by Lynette Andreasen

Cocktail Picks by Lynette Andreasen
Cocktail Pick by Lynette Andreasen

Cocktail Fork by Lynette Andreasen

Cocktail Pick by Lynette Andreasen

Cocktail Pick by Lynette Andreasen

Cocktail Pick by Lynette Andreasen
Cocktail Pick by Lynette Andreasen
Cocktail Pick by Lynette Andreasen

Cocktail Picks by Jessica Walz Devine, Made with one of our Bat Pancake Dies

Cocktail Picks by a PotterUSA Customer, made with PotterUSA impression dies

Cocktail Picks by a PotterUSA Customer, made with PotterUSA impression dies

Antique Cocktail Picks, Maker Unknown

Sterling silver cocktail or Hors d'Oeuvre picks topped with pheasants, in their original box marked Harrods London. 
Cocktail picks by Julie Lake, Stainless Steel

Vintage Cocktail Picks made in England (1950s-70s). Made from gold anodized aluminum.

1940's 800 Silver Art Deco style cocktail/appetizer picks.

Vintage silverplated cocktail picks, maker and date unknown

Diver Cocktail Picks, from Love & Victory on Etsy

Vintage Golf Cocktail Picks, Maker and Age Unknown

Spider Pick, Sterling Silver, from BerylandBronze on Etsy

Herb Picks, Sterling Silver by MarcelMetals on Etsy

Butter Pick by Whiting division of Gorham, Heraldic Pattern, 1880

Antique Sterling Silver Squirrel Nut Picks by George Sharp, 1865